Tuesday 1 December 2015

Help ! its the exam monster !

You’ve been studying real hard for the past year – and yet you are scared of that exam looming ahead. You’ve not been scoring well in your practice tests, and your parents feel that you’ve not been studying hard. You have started hating those subjects and dread having to study.

Sounds familiar?

I’ve lived through this while in school, and now, I’m reliving this second hand, through my students.

I’ve been a tutor for only a short while – 3 years or so. But I’ve been appearing for competitive exams for years and years.

I remember them all: the middle school and high school scholarship exams, the Homi Bhabha young scientist exams, the National Talent search, Olympiads, and finally the Godfather of all – the IIT Joint entrance exam.

I had never been a terribly sincere and studious gal. An inveterate procrastinator, I had always (and still do) postponed studies and assignments till the very last minute. On top of that, I had a habit of drifting off to day-dream-land.

Somehow, I had a pretty decent success rate with all my exams. Heck, I ended up with a rather un-deserved reputation of being a super-sincere, super-studious person!!

Over time, I learned tips and tricks to help me overcome my procrastination, to study smart, and to focus and get things DONE!

As a tutor I’ve had the chance to teach and mentor a number of kids of all ages (age 6 to 16), in a number of subjects. And I see them struggling with the same issues that I did.

So here I am, to share with you tried and tested methods to bring focus and efficiency in your studies.

Guys, be prepared to supplement your hard work with these tips and tricks, start studying smart and get prepared to slay that exam monster!!